Forever Artwork
Seasonal Planting Guide
The Seasonal Planting Guide has been designed to be cut out into a 21 × 21 cm square. Each page is designed to line up with the proceeding and succeeding pages to create a continuous pattern.
Seasonal Eating Guide
Keep your 2025 calendar and brighten up the room! The Seasonal Eating Guide, like the planting guide can be cut out to form a continuous artwork.
Marine Animals
Painted for 2025, the Marine Animals series can be framed in a standard A4 frame or square frame.
Planting Guide Calendar
Specially tailored just for our unique region. Each unique region has been carefully researched for the unique climate changes of your area. This calendar will help to encourage the casual gardener to get out there and plant their own garden with an easy reference guide. A lot of people are put off by gardens at home for a number of reasons, no space, no time and no idea what to plant. Having this calendar on the wall will serve as a constant reminder, encouraging them to consider even the smallest garden. A pot on an apartment window can be a fantastic starting point.
Printed on sustainably sourced paper and packed without plastic packaging. This is a easy consideration in these eco-conscious times. This calendar was designed to encourage home gardening. Growing your own fruit at home, gives you access to seasonal produce straight from the garden, reducing distance your food has to travel and increasing its sustainability. When purchasing fruit and vegetables, we don’t consider just how far they have travelled and the wastage associated with that; fuel, storage costs and packaging.
Reference Guide
The Planting Guide project started from a personal angle. A desire to increase sustainability and grow vegetables and fruit at home. Gardening has always been an interest, but it requires time and resources to really get into. One of the challenges is knowing what to plant and when. It can be hard to find relevant information for each unique climate and area. Devoting time and energy towards researching garden planting was the first step. This information can now be shared with others through an easy-to-read and understand Planting Guide.
This project started when I was looking personally for a planting guide online. I found it very hard to locate the relevant information in an easy to understand and clear format. My aim was to start focusing more on growing my own vegetables and herbs at home. I thought it would also be beneficial to turn my research into something that other people could also use and benefit from.
Growing your own fruit and vegetables at home has a lot of benefits. Firstly, it gives you access to seasonal produce straight from the garden, this reduces the distance your food has to travel. Reducing the distance your food travels to you plate increases its sustainability. When purchasing fruit and vegetables, a lot of the time we don’t consider just how far they have travelled, and the wastage associated with that; fuel, storage costs and packaging.
Knowing what to plant and when is a challenge. Australia has a diverse and varied climate, this means that depending on where you live it can dictate what to plant and when.
It’s also interesting to look at the quieter months, winter in cooler climates and summer in hot climates when there are less options for successful growing. This is the perfect time to recondition soil and get your garden fresh and ready for its peak growing season. Knowing what to plant and when can help you plan out a garden and have fresh vegetables and herbs almost all year round.
I hope that this calendar provides a clear and helpful guide for monthly urban planting. It is designed to be a reference point for urban gardening as well as a beautiful addition to you home, office or any space.
Hand Illustrated
Illustration and painting is a way of expression. The Planting Guide project was started on a whim, it was a chance to research on what to plant and when. It was very small at the start, just the vegetables that you would plant in Tasmania in January. The calendars feature over 120 different individual paintings. Each was hand-painted in watercolour, scanned in digitally and compiled into 52 unique pages. The diverse regions across Australia create a varying number of vegetables and herbs, all unique, beautiful and delicious in their own way.

This year's calendar
This year's calendar
Get your garden prepared for 2025 with the Planting Guide Calendar!