Seasonal Eating Guide Calendar
Specially tailored just for the temperate region. This calendar will help to encourage everyone to think about when and what they consume in regards to fresh produce. Local produce is fresher, more delicious and supporting small business and families in your area. Having this calendar on the wall will serve as a constant reminder, encouraging even the smallest purchase to be sustainable.
Printed on recycled paper and packed in biodegradable packaging. This is a easy consideration in these eco-conscious times. Seasonal produce reduces the distance your food has to travel and increases its sustainability. When purchasing fruit and vegetables, we don’t consider just how far they have travelled and the wastage associated with that; fuel, storage costs and packaging.
Reference Guide
The seasonal eating guide project started from a follow on of the planting guide. A desire to increase sustainability and grow vegetables and fruit at home where possible. Shopping locally and seasonally at other times. It can be hard to find relevant information for your climate and area. Devoting time and energy towards researching what was in season was the first step. I also spent a lot of time talking to local urban gardeners, what worked in their gardens and when the produce was in season. This information can now be shared with others through an easy to read and understand Seasonal Eating Guide.
A new project I first undertook for the 2020 season. After the success of my seasonal planting guide, I received a lot of requests regarding a guide for what you can eat every season. It started with a lot of research, conversations back and forth with local gardeners and a new series of paintings. Personally, I try to eat seasonally, but shopping at large supermarkets makes this difficult as often, a high price is the only indicator that something is not in season.
Eating seasonally has a lot of benefits. It gives you access to local produce, from local suppliers, which reduces the distance your food has to travel. Often you can purchase from the supplier directly at farmers markets or farm gate. Reducing the distance your food travels to your plate increases its sustainability. When purchasing fruit and vegetables, a lot of the time we don’t consider just how far they have travelled, and the wastage associated with that; fuel, storage costs and packaging.
Knowing what to eat and when is a challenge, especially in an ever-changing climate. Australia has a diverse and varied climate, which means that depending on where you live it can dictate what is in season and when.
The seasonal eating guide is for the temperate region of Australia, mainly Tasmania, Victoria and lower South Australia. It focuses on produce grown in these areas. While tropical fruit and vegetables may be in season in other parts of Australia they have not been included as they are not grown in this region.
The calendar is designed to provide a clear and helpful guide for seasonal produce, a reference for the sustainable shopper as well as a beautiful addition to you home, office or any space.
Hand Illustrated
Illustration and painting is a way of expression. The Planting Guide project was started on a whim, it was a chance to research on what to plant and when. It was very small at the start, just the vegetables that you would plant in Tasmania in January. The calendars feature over 120 different individual paintings, an additional 25 paintings for the seasonal eating guide. Each was hand-painted in watercolour, scanned in digitally. The diverse regions across Australia create a varying number of vegetables and herbs, all unique, beautiful and delicious in their own way.

This year's calendar
This year's calendar
Prepare for 2025 with the Seasonal Eating Guide Calendar available now!